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Cosy knits and Winter coats

Amanda Williams

The clocks have gone back and it is now permissible to indulge our collective love of cosy knits and all-enveloping coats. Find winter inspiration from of some of Truro’s independent fashion retailers.

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Cherry Almond Hand and Body Wash - Product Review

Amanda Williams

I have a confession to make and I don’t mind admitting when I’m wrong. I have been SO wrong about Aveda Products. My first mistake was to assume because Aveda has a reputation of being environmental and nature-friendly, that there was frankly no point in having my hair dyed, as it either wouldn’t work or would wash out immediately. I was very definitely WRONG about this.

Two things inspired me to change my perception. The first was during a trip to London with a few work colleagues. One of them had forgotten their Aveda Shampoo and trekked all the way across London, back to her flat to get it. ‘Fussy but admirable’ I thought. The next was a conversation with Jo and Yasmine at Goldbird Salon in Lemon Street where they put right my misconceptions, did a patch test and booked me in for my hair colour.

I was just about to Graduate so I decided that a degree of ‘zhushing’ up in the hair department was required. I left the salon a changed woman. Not only was I a whole lot blonder with a swishy blow dry worthy of Reese Witherspoon in Big Little Lies, but I was also clutching an arm full of Aveda Products vowing eternal devotion to the brand. Yes, I’ve been hooked ever since and have had a bit of a hair re-invention. From now on its ONLY Aveda products and KENT hairbrushes (as recommended by Zeb, who cuts my hair).

At my last visit Jo, very kindly, gave me a bottle of Cherry and Almond Hand and Body Wash to try. There is an entire range with this scent, which I hadn’t tried before so I was keen to see what the other products in the Aveda range were like.

This product is free from parabens, silicone and synthetic fragrance and it really does smell absolutely gorgeous and lathers up really well. In fact, it smells like the real deal - a great big juice slice of Bakewell Tart. My friend Nicki, who makes THE VERY BEST darn Bakewell tarts this side of The Tamar will attest to my addiction. Practically every time I see her, I ask about it - you know, just in case she produces a slice from her handbag… . For a touch of luxury to shower or bathroom, this is a really lovely product and in fact, I know what my next haircare purchases will be.

Thank you, Jo and Team, at Goldbird Hair (pop in - and see for yourself!


Welcome to the New Look Secret Truro

Amanda Williams

I can’t believe that it’s been FIVE years since I first put metaphorical pen to paper for Secret Truro. The blog was conceived whilst travelling up the M4 (near Swindon) going back to see the family at Christmas 2014. We thought that 80,000 words later it was time to give it a bit of a Spring clean.

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